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Frequently Asked Questions


  1. Why are students tested?
  2. Which test is best?
  3. What age is too old/too young to test?
  4. Who should perform the testing on my child?
  5. How much will testing cost?
  6. How can I find a local tester familiar with testing gifted children?
  7. What are the differences between ADD/ADHD and gifted children?

Also see Frequently Asked Technical Questions on Assessments


Why are Students Tested?

For many, the over-riding reason to test our children is that the results can make a difference. Perhaps the difference is admission to a specific school or admission to a school's gifted pull-out program or gifted class. Perhaps it's just a matter of proving to teachers and administration that our children are different and needs something different in their education. Or perhaps test results are required for participation in some extra-curricular experience such as a Distance Learning, Super Saturday or Summer Enrichment Program for gifted kids.

On the other hand, if the results of the test are only to satisfy parental curiosity, there may be no reason to test the child. Will the child be enrolled in public or private school where the test results may help plan for their education, or will the child be home schooled and allowed to progress at his rate an level? Do you already have one test score showing an exceptionally gifted child? If so, what further benefit would there be from another test score?

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Which Test Is Best?

This is a difficult question for many reasons. Some schools only accept certain test. In those cases, using a different test would not be of much value, at least to the school. Some states require a specific tester rather than a specific test, such as Pennsylvania's current law that requires the tester to be a Certified School Psychologist. Again, testing using a professional psychologist in Pennsylvania who is NOT certified as a school psychologist would be of little value, at least to the public schools.

Some tests have limitations that make them inappropriate for certain populations, such as a test with a low ceiling being an inappropriate test for gifted children. Tests may also have limitations that make them inappropriate for individuals students, such as a reading/writing based test for a student with a suspected or known disability in reading/writing or for a student who is not fluent in the native language of the test.

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What Age is Too Old/Too Young to Test?

For gifted children, the best age to test is when knowing the test results can make a difference. For the highly gifted child attempting to enter kindergarten a year early or skip directly to first grade at kindergarten age, the time to test may be at 4 years old. For a third grader who has become a behavioral problem in school apparently due to boredom, now is the time to test. For a child being considered as ADD or ADHD in the school, but who never showed signs of these disorders at home before entering school, testing can show an inappropriate educational placement as a contributing factor to the child's poor educational "fit." For a child who is home schooled and allowed to progress at her own page at all times, the time to test may be never.

It is generally recommended that IQ testing for gifted children be done between age 5 and 12. Beyond 12, even the moderately gifted child is likely to encounter test ceiling effects. For the highly or profoundly gifted child, ceiling effects may begin as young as 8 years, even on the Stanford-Binet form L-M.

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Who should perform the Testing on My Child?

It is highly recommended that you find a tester who commonly tests for ADD and other Learning Disabilities may be more likely to mistake some of the characteristics of a gifted child for the common characteristics of some Learning Differences. A tester unfamiliar with gifted children may start each section of the test far too low, boring and frustrating his young subject. This may also cause the test to stretch well beyond its expected time and the child's patience. And a gifted child might quickly discover that if she gets three questions in a row wrong, the test will go on to another area--thus making the test results invalid in her hurry to get through the test.

Different states and school districts have different requirements for testers. Some require certified school psychologists and will not accept a test administered by a professional psychologist with the school certification. Other districts may only accept test they themselves administer. Although the school may not accept the results, you may still want to have your child tested privately, to determine your child's strengths, weaknesses and overall level of giftedness.

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How Much will Testing Cost?

The cost of professional testing may vary dramatically. A student in the psychology department of your local university may perform IQ and achievement testing for a few hundred dollars or less. A school psychologist may complete a basic IQ and achievement test for $350. A comprehensive evaluation by a professional psychologist may cost $700 or more.

In some cases, the cost of testing may be partially covered by your insurance, particularly if the current educational situation has caused your child mental distress. Using the insurance option, however, you may have a new set of limitations on who can perform the testing.

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How Can I find a Local Teacher Familiar with Testing Gifted Children?

There are many ways to locate a tester. Look in the phone book, ask for recommendations from your school or district gifted office, or ask your friends. Be certain to find a tester who is familiar with testing gifted children. Some parents from GT-World plan a trip to Linda Silverman's Gifted Development Center in Denver, Colorado for their testing. The center can also refer you to other psychologists familiar with testing gifted children around the United States and world. (Disclaimer: we at Growing Gifted Children have no direct relationship with Linda Silverman and the Gifted Development Center. However, many of us have great respect for Linda's work with gifted children and her writings on the subject).

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What are the Differences between ADD/ADHD and Gifted Children?

Many children have at one time or another been suspected of being Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity (ADHD). How can a parent, teacher or professional psychologist tell the difference? Why is the diagnosis so often confused? The common confusion stems from the common characteristics of ADD/ADHD and gifted children. 

If a child can't sit still in class, wanders mentally or physically and doesn't pay attention to the teacher, it is not unusual for the teacher to wonder if this child has ADD or ADHD. But what about the child who can't sit still because there is nothing new to learn, wanders to keep his mind occupied and doesn't pay attention yet gets all of the answers right? Is this child ADD/ADHD? The answer is perhaps or perhaps not.

Only the combined assessment of a psychologist, parents and teachers can determine if a child is truly ADD/ADHD. To be clinically diagnosed, ADD/ADHD symptoms must have onset before age 7 and be present in two or more settings (i.e., not just in school). For assistance in choosing a psychologist, see our link on Psychologists.

For more information on the clinical characteristics of ADD/ADHD, visit Problems in Identification and Assessment of ADHD by Steven M. Nordby.

Also see Frequently Asked Technical Questions on Assessments

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Last updated: November 04, 2000.